Atheleum is a community based utility token, deployed on the Binance Smart Chain (BEP-20). Atheleum is the fundamental token of the Atheleum ecosystem consisting of smart contracts that make up the Atheleum Protocol.




Buy Atheleum from PancakeSwap:

PancakeSwap is a decentralized Cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to trade digital assets securely on the Binance Smart Chain.

Wallet Configuration:

Download a Metamask Wallet:

There are several crypto wallets to choose from within the Binance network and Metamask appears to be the most integrated. If you are using a desktop computer, you can download Google Chrome and the wallet Chrome extension. If you prefer using your mobile phone, you can download the wallet via Google Play or iOS App Store if it’s available. Just make sure that you are downloading the official Chrome extension and mobile app by visiting the Metamask’s website.

Set up your Metamask & deposit BNB:

Register and set up the crypto wallet via the wallet’s Google Chrome extension or via the mobile app you downloaded. Make sure to keep your 12 words seed phrase safe, and take note of that in a diary.

Deposit BNB in your Crypto Wallet.

Go to PancakeSwap:

Open PancakeSwap and connect wallet. Swap BNB with the Atheleum (ATE) coin. If Atheleum (ATE) doesn’t appear, select Atheleum Smart Contract as follows: 0x2b941f6c6dc05353e36dc40c7dbe72b3913254e0 copy and paste it into PancakeSwap.